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Pictures of Ulape From Island of the Blue Dolphins

Ulape is Karana's older sister. At 14, Ulape is "vain," according to Karana, and she owns many more jewelry pieces. Ulape also dresses up to leave the island and puts a mark on her face that signifies she's unmarried—though Karana knows she's in love with Nanko. Though Ulape doesn't appear again after leaving the island, Karana thinks of her more often as the years pass. She misses her sister and wonders whether Ulape and Nanko married and had lots of children.

Ulape Quotes in Island of the Blue Dolphins

The Island of the Blue Dolphins quotes below are all either spoken by Ulape or refer to Ulape. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:

The Natural World Theme Icon


Ulape would have laughed at me, and others would have laughed, too—my father most of all. Yet this is the way I felt about the animals who had become my friends and those who were not, but in time could be. If Ulape and my father had come back and laughed, and all the others had come back and laughed, still I would have felt the same way, for animals and birds are like people, too, though they do not talk the same or do the same things. Without them the earth would be an unhappy place.

Page Number: 149

Explanation and Analysis:

We had many happy times that summer, fishing and going to Tall Rock in our canoe, but more and more now I thought of Tutok and my sister Ulape. Sometimes I would hear their voices in the wind and often, when I was on the sea, in the waves that lapped softly against the canoe.

Page Number: 157

Explanation and Analysis:

Ulape Character Timeline in Island of the Blue Dolphins

The timeline below shows where the character Ulape appears in Island of the Blue Dolphins. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.

Friendship Theme Icon

Colonialism, Violence, and Indigenous Culture Theme Icon

...brings news that Captain Orlov combs his beard in the morning, and Karana's older sister Ulape shares that there's an Aleut woman with the hunters. Nobody believes this. (full context)

Gender Roles and Survival Theme Icon

Colonialism, Violence, and Indigenous Culture Theme Icon

...of the village's good fortune. It's early spring, when fishing is poor. But one afternoon, Ulape discovers a school of huge white bass stuck on the shore in the cove. She... (full context)

...Coral Cove. The men take their weapons to the beach, and the women—including Karana and Ulape—hide in the brush on the cliff. Karana watches the Aleuts load bundles of otter pelts... (full context)

Colonialism, Violence, and Indigenous Culture Theme Icon

...containing iron spearheads on the ship, but he seems unwilling to bring them to shore. Ulape and Karana don't trust him and watch their father step in front of an Aleut... (full context)

Colonialism, Violence, and Indigenous Culture Theme Icon

The storm rolls in as Ulape and Karana race for the beach. Most of the men are wounded, and their father... (full context)

Gender Roles and Survival Theme Icon

...has to pitch in, or the villagers will die. Kimki assigns everyone jobs. Karana and Ulape are tasked with gathering abalone on the rocks, and Ramo is assigned the job of... (full context)

...Karana packs whalebone needles, an awl, a knife, cooking pots, and a box of jewelry. Ulape packs two boxes of earrings (she's vainer than Karana) and then draws on her face... (full context)

...Ramo; he's bound to get in the sailors' way. She can't find him. But then, Ulape points to shore: Ramo is on the cliff with his fishing spear. The ship is... (full context)

...home is full and happy. But she still remembers Tutok and wonders what happened to Ulape. Did Ulape marry Nanko, and do they have lots of children now? Karana knows Ulape... (full context)

Friendship Theme Icon

Colonialism, Violence, and Indigenous Culture Theme Icon

...make terrible noise. Karana stops killing seals, wild dogs, and sea elephants. She knows that Ulape and her father would laugh at her, but now, the animals are her friends. Those... (full context)

Solitude Theme Icon

Friendship Theme Icon

...lot of fun that summer, Karana finds herself thinking more and more of Tutok and Ulape. Sometimes, she hears their voices in the wind or the waves. (full context)

...with clay, she draws her tribe's mark across her nose. Smiling, she then copies what Ulape did years ago and draws the sign that means she's unmarried. As Karana makes breakfast... (full context)


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